Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wow! It's been a long time!

I know it has been quite some time since I've written an update on my blog but sometimes you just get so frustrated that you just want to forget that you are ill and just want to act normal, if in fact there is such a word.

My body has not truly reacted so greatly to the Methotrexate and I still have joint pain and stiffness. My doctors decided to take me off of all of my medications to see how my body will react and to see what will be in three months....well that was in January of 2010 and my body did not last a full 30 days....My hips began to hurt again, my knees began to buckle again and low and behold that flippin rash came back all over again....This time it was not all over my entire body but all over my face.....Went to the doctor and back on the Methotrexate once again......
Hip pain is gone and knees are not buckling any further but that rash thing is not fully gone...
Now my face at times gets red in the cheek area, then there are days when those cheeks feel like they are burning, and then there are those other days where it is so dry that wow, I need to put oil on my face so that my face is not cracking open.....

So how is everyone else doing?
Oh by the way....on a PROUD Mom Moment! Jasmin rocked @ State Competition and took 3rd place and is on her way to Regionals....Go Jazzy!......

Yeah Jazzy....

Okay until next time you pray for me and I will continue to pray for you....
God Bless....