Monday, January 30, 2012

Absolutely the greatest thing I have ever heard!

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend!

Church service was just amazing yesterday and it was just an awesome day....even if I spent the time after church with just the girls...Mindy, Porsche, Shelby and Mercedes....
Everyone is back at school...routines are back to normal...Isaiah went to a friends house after church....and Rico was at the golf course.... Empty an understatement...hee hee hee...

But my girls kept me quite good company as I worked on my Chapter 4 and making it tell a story....

Came to work today and wouldn't you know it ....both of my assistants were absent today....Way to start the week! But my kiddos stepped up to the plate and were absolutely the greatest class today....No MELT DOWNS! Yeah!

Smooth sailing.....

Then to make a good day great I received the best text ever from my husband...
"I just had a flash of you graduating and it brought tears to my eyes! I am so proud of you!"

Can I tell you that regardless of any aches and pains related to arthritis! regardless to the medications that I am supposed to take....regardless of the amount of work that I have to continue to put into my dissertation! can I tell you that those have been the best words that I could hear!

I could not have done all that I have without God and the loving support of my husband!


Until next time....continue to pray for me and know that I am praying for you...

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