Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Still Frustrated!

I religiously take my medications as directed! I am trying to exercise more than ever and this morning I woke up and got up on the scale and Nothing! Not one pound lost. Seriously, does anyone have information about Humira? Folic Acid? Methotrexate? Does anyone know if these medications retain more water than usual? Do they maintain your weight so that you wake up more depressed than the day before? Hello? Is this crazy or what? I'm not really depressed, just a figure of speech! But this is bad! This is really bad! I used to do weight watchers and lose the weight by counting my points! Tried that and NOTHING! Is it the disease? Does having a high rheumatoid factor make you gain weight and not be able to lose it? Okay, friends and family....it is your turn to figure out how I can lose weight! I would love to lose a total of 35 pounds...but I would take ten to start...I will take any suggestions that are out there.....Tonight is the Zumba class....and then camping this week....truly any suggestions are welcomed!.
As usual, pray for me and I will pray for you! God Bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I took Humira and I did gain weight while I was on it, but it could have been how I was eating. I'm still trying to lose the weight now. (Sigh!) I'm enjoying reading your blog; I feel like there aren't too many out there by young(er) adult women who suffer from RA.